web comics

Axe Cop webcomic turned into online movies

The webcomic Axe Cop inspired film school director Peter Muehlenberg to turn the first two episodes into online movies.

Muehlenberg’s fan video, which he posted on YouTube late last month, turns the first Axe Cop webcomic into a 2-minute blast of cheesy flames, dinosaur blood and exposition. He said he shot Axe Cop the Movie: Part 1 (embedded above) over three days on a $300 budget. When asked about the future of the project, Muehlenberg said there’s a good chance he’ll make YouTube videos of the webcomics’ second and third episodes.

“Beyond that, I don’t really have a budget to keep it going, at least at the super-high quality it needs to be,” said the 23-year-old filmmaker, who lives in Melbourne, Australia.

Here’s the movie.

My take? Somethings don’t translate well into other mediums.

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Comments 5

  1. This is far better than the Transformers films.

  2. LMAO! That’s funny.

    Again…Axe Cop = Funniest webcomic ever. If you aren’t reading it you’re wrong.

    Here’s hoping for a big budget movie. I dunno who would be Axe Cop though. Bill Hader maybe?

  3. Maybe not as good as the comic itself, but still delightful.

  4. Heh, they did a great job nailing the look of the comic!

  5. I remember seeing a screenshot for this a while ago. Glad to see it was just as great as I hoped! Come on Hollywood!

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