Profiled: Donna A. Lewis creator of ‘Reply All’
Skip to commentsThe new comic Reply All by Donna A. Lewis’ debuts in February through Washington Post Writers Group. Jewish Times profiles Donna.
Enter Lizzie, the “star” of “Reply All,” a new comic strip scheduled to debut on Monday, Feb. 28, through the Washington Post Writers Group syndicate. Penned by Baltimore-born cartoonist Donna A. Lewis, “Reply All” is loosely based on the artist’s own life: Lizzie is a single woman who is doing well in her career, but who still harbors self-doubts.
“She’s modeled after successful women who like who they’ve become,” says Ms. Lewis, 48. “She’s confident, yet insecure, about everything she does. It’s like when someone says, ‘I love your outfit’ and your response is ‘really?’ Does Bill Gates question his every thought?”
She goes on to describe Lizzie as “a Mary Tyler Moore for the modern age, only with more confidence.”
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