Editorial cartooning

John Trever to retire from Albuquerque Journal

Rob Tornoe reports that editorial cartoonist John Trever is retiring from the Albuquerque Journal after 34 years.

You’ve been drawing political cartoons for the Albuquerque Journal since 1976, over 30 years. What made now the time to pull back?

I guess I should feel guilty, giving up an editorial cartoonist’s position in this environment, but it was never my desire to kick the bucket -or the ink bottle- and keel over at the drawing board. My wife has retired from Montessori education and I’ll be 68 this year, well past my Social Security “use by” date. Plus I admit to being a bit tired of the daily deadline grind. Now my ever-patient wife can plan on an earlier dinner hour and the dog gets a little more play time.

Will you continue to draw cartoons for The Journal as a freelancer and contribute to King Features?

I’ll be under contract this year as a “consultant,” drawing one cartoon a week, preferably local, for our Sunday paper. I did end my contributions to the King Features package as of the end of 2010.

More of the interview on Rob’s blog.

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Comments 3

  1. I remember seeing his early work reprinted in my college newspaper, and it spurred me to become a better cartoonist to try to match his level of quality. He’s had a great career, and I’m glad to see him be able to retire on his own terms.

    But the unanswered question: will the newspaper refill his position?

  2. Steve, it’s a chain newspaper. The answer would be “no”. Plus, if he’s going to freelance one cartoon a week on local issues, the paper will find that “adequate” enough for local cartoon coverage.

  3. John! Congratulations on a great career and a well-deserved retirement. You are one of “the good ones” – both proferssionally and personally.

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