Fox airs Bob’s Burgers to mixed reviews
Skip to commentsLast night was the debut of “Bob’s Burgers” on the Fox Network.
The Boston Globe gave it a favorable write-up:
“Bob’s Burgers” has a more sharply offbeat sensibility than its more pop-culture rooted Sunday night neighbors, veering between absurd, endearing, and crude – which fits with the avant stand-up stylings of folks like Schaal and Mirman. Some folks may feel the edges are a bit too sharp, including jokes about autism, child molesters, and, of course, the aforementioned potential cannibalism. The general gross-out factor – often a staple of adult-aimed animation – looks like it will be moderate. (Some may balk at the itchy crotch, but it was a gooey salival kissing bit that did me in.)
Hollywood reporter wasn’t impressed – often citing the same jokes as the Boston Globe:
Unfortunately, those jokes dominated the pilot. It feels like a bunch of comics playing to the back of the room — where all of the other comics are watching. It’s as if dragging out the autism and child molestation jokes is some how-daring-am-I attempt to walk the room. See how fearlessly funny we are, destroying taboos! It might be funny to otherwise jaded stand-up comedians and 14-year-old boys, but it’s probably not going to play to most people. Fox, which is trying to energize it’s comedy development department (“Raising Hope” is spot-on), seems to believe that “Bob’s” would only be a good fit between “The Simpsons” and “Family Guy” if it played the crass card. If Fox is, indeed, pushing “Bob’s Burgers” in that direction and encouraging the writing staff to be like “Family Guy,” it’s a creative misstep. Why? Because it’s too easy. And it’s overdone — on the same network. It would be better if the writers tried to be more original. Or just tried harder.
NY Daily News gave it 2 out of 5 stars. USA Today was much harsher giving it 1/2 stars out of 4.
Anyone see it?
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