Toys for Tots fund-drive fails due to success
Skip to commentsA cautionary tale for anyone wanting to use PayPal to raise money for charity: Cartoonist’s Toys for Tots funds denied
Uriarte said he wished he could have been part of that effort, but his PayPal account was flagged after thousands poured in during the first 48 hours. As a standard precaution to guard against illegal activities, PayPal contacted Uriarte.
“When they realized it was for a charity, they told me they require legal proof that the money is actually being raised for a charity – and not for my own sinister purposes,” Uriarte wrote on his blog.
Proof usually means presenting a tax-exemption identification, said a company representative, but in Uriarte’s case a letter from the foundation saying he was acting on their behalf would have sufficed.
I’ve seen money raised through PayPal without problems – a lot more than $3000. Not sure what the determining factor is. Kickstarter might be the better option.
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