Editorial cartooning

Matt Bors becomes Comics Journalism Editor

Editorial cartoonist Matt Bors has announced on his blog that he’s now the Comics Journalism Editor for Cartoon Movement – a new platform run by the Video Journalism Movement (VJ Movement), an organization “dedicated to the promotion of video journalism and press freedom.”

Matt writes that the Cartoon Movement seeks to “publish four editorial cartoons a week and one piece of comics journalism a month.”

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Comments 4

  1. I’m surprised that this has been greeted with fewer comments than the news that Ziggy is about to celebrate it’s whatever decaversery.

    CM is a new venue that pays for cartoon journalism. In an age of budget cuts, that’s good news.

  2. Yeah, but come on, Ziggy doesn’t wear pants and he’s been getting away with it for years! Now that is really cool!

  3. Ziggy doesn’t wear pants? But I thought…nevermind.

  4. …who needs pants these days, shorts and sweatpants are worn in church, hats on backwards,pants baggy below the waist line, cussing in songs,and i didn’t even get started with “what’s up chief,hey boss….”

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