Editorial cartooning

Englehart marks 30 years at the Hartford Courant

Writing on his blog, Bob Englehart notes he’s hit the 30 year mark as the staff cartoonist of the Hartford Courant.

Today marks the first day of the thirty-first year of my tenure at the Hartford Courant. Thirty years ago yesterday, I walked into my office, the dumpiest I’d ever seen. It was small, oblong, and painted a sickly institutional green. It was at the end of a row of small dumpy offices also painted a sickly institutional green. A thick cloud of cigarette smoke hung in the air, the clatter of typewriters peppered my ears. In those days, newspaper offices in general were not pristine work places, but The Courant was a dump among dumps. And I thought I was in heaven.

Congratulations, Bob.

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Comments 7

  1. Wow. Thirty years ago I watched him walk OUT of his previous office, when both of us were staffers at the late, great and much lamented Journal Herald in Dayton, OH. Those were the days . . .
    Congrats, Bob!

  2. Congrats!! No mean feat, thirty years.

  3. A nicer and cooler guy you couldn’t meet than Bob. Plus he cheats at golf.

  4. Another testament to Bob’s talent over those 30 years is that he’s been blatantly plagiarized more than other editorial cartoonist in the business. Kind of a weird tribute, but it speaks volumes on just how consistently good he’s been.

  5. “…..OUTGROWN the editorial page of the Journal Herald…….”?????
    That’s the funniest thing I ever read……Bob OUTGREW the editorial page so much that his replacement at the JH lasted only 18 months.

    Bob…. outgrew…. the page only because he insisted on drawing EDITORIAL cartoons. Those last few months for Bob at the JH is when the editor insisted he produce ‘ideological illustrations’.


    I’m still laughing…..

  6. Wow, thanks guys. Stromoski, I play pirate golf. It’s more fun than with all those stupid USGA rules.

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