King Features launches DailyINK iPhone/iPad app
Skip to commentsKing Features Syndicate has just released a DailyINK iPhone/iPod Touch app through the iTunes App Store. The free download connects DailyInk allows everyone to access “dozens of strips, panels and editorial cartoons will be featured in ‘Today’s Comic'” and the ability to go back seven days for the feature comics. Those with paid subscription accounts will have access to their subscriptions plus full access to the archives.
Here’s a quick rundown of my experience playing with the app.
The four featured strips when I tried it out: Baby Blues, Bizarro, Dustin, and Hagar the Horrible. Zits showed up at the top of the screen (the other four are featured links). Across the bottom are four options: Daily Comic (the featured strips), My DailyINK (access for subscribers to get their strips), Browse and Help. In the browse feature, you see the titles of all the comics in the King Features portfolio. Each feature includes a short description, seven day samples, information on the artist, feature and characters and the ability to add the feature to your subscription (for subscribers).
One of the difficult things about comics on such small screens – especially for multi panel strips is that they either render so small as unreadable or the zooming feature is clunky. The comic loads in the middle of the screen (landscape or portrait). In landscape, I can read the print (I still have good vision). In portrait view the comic is illegible. But King did an excellent job with the zooming. Double tap on screen and the comic zooms larger and automagically pans to the left to the beginning of the strip to start you out at the beginning panel. This was great for the Arctic Circle strip I was viewing. Mother Goose and Grimm is often a horizontal one panel so when I zoomed it moved to the left when the punchline was in the middle of the strip. With comics, there is no perfect solution and King deserves credit for doing it in a very polished manner.
The app is a free download. Subscriptions run $1.99 a month or $19.99 for a year.
While I cherish my iPhone, the iPad is a much better experience for consuming media. Yes, I drink (guzzle) the Apple Kool-Aid heartily so I can’t wait for the iPad version which will be released “shortly.”
Check it out.
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