Marshall Ramsey dropped to part time
Skip to commentsWAPT reports that Clarion-Ledger editorial cartoonist Marshall Ramsey has been dropped to part time status while another 14 newspaper staff were either laid off or also dropped to part-time.
Asked if he could say more about the paper’s decision, Marshall tells me that he was notified last Thursday of the paper’s decision and that because the paper hasn’t made any official public statements, he’s limited in what he can say other than to confirm that he’s being reduced to part-time status and will do four to five cartoons a week. He also appears to be upbeat about the news. He’s tells me that this downturn does present “new possibilities and innovations and allows me to grow in ways I could not before. It’s not a total loss, but did come as a shock.”
Marshall’s blog post today is a re-post of something he wrote earlier this year about the turn of events in life that might seem negative, but end up being the best things. It’s a good read and recommended.
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