Comic strips

Comic page changes for the week

F Minus is the winner of The Tribune News (CO) comic poll. It replaces Sally Forth.

The Star Press (Muncie, IN) readers picked Fred Bassett over Thatababy and Stone Soup by a mere 9 votes. That might be a margin ripe for a recount request, but reading between the lines, I don’t think there was a big voter turn-out. Third place winner, Thatababy, took home 3 votes. Fred and Stone Soup got 29 and 20 receptively.

The Reporter (Vacaville, CA) is conducting a poll. In the running: Fort Knox, Freshly Squeezed, Home and Away, Pickles, Stone Soup and Thatababy. Poll ends December 4.

The Dallas Morning News has picked The Argyle Sweater and Dustin to run in their Sunday comic section.

The State Journal-Register, (Springfield, IL) is now running Fort Knox in their Sunday section.

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Comments 13

  1. Fred Basset? Really, Fred Basset? Over two newer strips drawn by living cartoonists?

  2. What and/or who is Fred Basset?

  3. yeah, getting beat by a dead cartoonist really, um, bites.

    32 votes decides? Really?

  4. @Jan – not 32 votes. If the stated votes were all that was cast – then only 62 (29+20+3) were cast.

    If only 62 people cared enough to vote (not sure the paper’s circulation), the editor should have just picked on. S/He’s not going to tick that many people off.

  5. Fred Bassett? ? FRED BASSETT wins over Stone Soup!?
    I’m living on the wrong planet, seriously.

  6. They were just distracted because they are busy covering the 96 Olympics.

  7. Fred Basset is still running in some papers??

  8. If one strip gets 60 votes and another gets 61 votes does the strip with 61 votes win and get a place? They should have a hung comic strip, 2 panels of one and two of the other and join them together…show em how idiotic these voting things are…..

  9. Fred Basset. Let that be a lesson to all you aspiring cartoonists out there.

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