40: A Doonesbury Retrospective on sale @ Amazon
Skip to commentsI’m in a quandary. The 40: A Doonesbury Retrospective has been steeply discounted on Amazon ($58.50 compared to $100 normally). I like to buy the complete collections when they come out. I enjoy reading them all in one sitting rather than in the newspaper and I have to wait until the next day to get the next one. I’m kind of impatient when it comes to comics. Which is why I’m considering buying the 40 Year Retrospective despite it not being the complete collection. I’m assuming there will be a complete collection at some point. Garry Trudeau’s work has been to innovative and impactive not to be bound in a box set. But getting back to my impatience, I’m not sure I can wait. The reviews on Amazon report that it’s a thick gorgeous book with a fine attention to details. One reviewer gave it 3 stars because it was, “so heavy that you will not be able to read it in bed, on the sofa, or on the toilet.” I respectfully disagree. That’s not a negative.
So… do I buy the book or not? I’m heavily leaning on yes because of the price.
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