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Mike Myers to voice Pepe Le Pew

Comments 6

  1. And yet, Hollywood couldn’t find it in themselves to make an Opus movie.

  2. I could be wrong, but I think there was an Opus movie in the works at one time, but Berkeley wasn’t happy with the direction they wanted to go, so I think it might have died….

  3. Berke talked about that at his SDCC panel, and actually showed (possibly for the first time) three animation tests for a possible Opus movie. The one with David Hyde Pierce doing the voice of Opus was pretty decent, but honestly, none of them really blew me out of the water. I can understand why he was reticent to go down that route.

  4. I thought the Opus Christmas TV special from years back was terrible, so I’m glad they didn’t make the movie.

    Opus without the rest of the gang from Bloom County is boring.

  5. A Wish For a Movie That Works.

  6. Today I watched the new ‘Pearls Before Swine’ videos at Ringtales site and, as Mr. Pastis warned on his blog, the voices did not fit what I had in mind.

    My biggest fear for any Bloom County or Opus film would be that some studio vacuum brain would insist on marquee names voicing the characters and totally ruining them.

    Jim Belushi doing Opus? Seth Rogan doing Steve Dallas? Haley Joel Osment trying to do Binkley? The odds are probably 275-1 that it would have been a disaster. I”m glad it never got done, frankly.

    Now, if Mr. Breathed becomes embarrassingly flush with cash from his new movie and he wants to independently fund a Bloom County movie with unknown voices that fit what lurks inside his head, I’m fine with that.

    But stay away from studios, please! They are dream killers!

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