Top up and coming female cartoonists
Skip to has a list of female comic creators. The list is heavy on webcomic and graphic novels but includes Julia Wertz (Fart Party), Kate Beaton (Hark! A Vagrant), Amy Reeder Hadley (Tokyopop’s Fool’s Gold), Jöelle Jones (12 Reasons Why I Love Her), Julia Gfrörer (Flesh and Bone), G. Willow Wilson (Cairo).
Regarding the list, Joe Vince writes:
Now gender is no guarantee of high quality work, but it is a fairly good gauge of finding comics that represent a different aesthetic or world view. So how do you find that talent without going broke (and trudging through a morass of subpar work)? Sure, if you’re even a casual comic book fan, you’ve heard of big-name vets like Gail Simone, Alison Bechdel, Colleen Doran and Jill Thompson. And more educated fans probably know about established creators deserving more recognition, such as Becky Cloonan, Colleen Coover, Jessica Abel and Nicola Scott. But who are the up-and-comers? Where can someone find the next wave of top female creators?
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