Comic strips Speaking Engagements

Jim Toomey featured on TED Talk

Sherman’s Lagoon creator Jim Toomey was recently a featured TED Talk speaker. TED is explained as, “Riveting talks by remarkable people, free to the world” and being a TED speaker is a high privilege. Jim was part of a presentation on panel of speakers talking about Mission Blue – a project aimed at creating marine preserves around the world to protect oceanic life.

Here is Jim speaking about what he has learned from Sherman the shark.

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Comments 4

  1. It’s really cool to see that the creator of a strip that you really like is, in real life, a really cool man, too.

    Well done, Mr. Toomey! Keep up the good work!

  2. Shane, I couldn’t have said it any better.

  3. I’ve watched a lot of TED talks – they are often inspiring and this one especially so. Not only is the talk interesting, but Jim is brave enough to draw on screen, in Photoshop, as he is talking and the cartoons still look good!

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