Comic strips Graphic Novels

Dork Tower to return after two-year hiatus

From ICV2 comes word that John Kovalic is bringing back Dork Tower with perhaps a print run either as a stand-alone comic or part of the 10th Dork Tower collection that is scheduled to be out in the Spring of 2011.

Going forward Kovalic plans to release a 4 or 5-issue mini-series annually for both Dork Tower and Dr. Blink. Rather than sticking to a bimonthly schedule, Kovalic plans to wait until the entire mini-series is complete and then release the issues in consecutive months. Kovalic has been talking to established publishers about Dork Tower and Dr. Blink, but on his blog he promised: “But even if I choose not to go with an honest-to-goodness actual Real, Legitimate, Large Publisher, there will still be Dork Tower, Dr. Blink and SnapDragons comic books and graphic novels. Self-publishing may be annoying, but it’s not hard. Really.”

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Comments 2

  1. Many thanks for the plug, Alan!

    Just to clarify: comic books will definitely be printed. Collections will definitely be printed. It’s just what WOULD have been DorkTower #37 – which completed the latest collection – that I’m not sure will be printed as its own comic book, or just included in the collection.

    Everything following that should see life in print form. God willing and the creek don’t rise.

  2. If there were a “like” button here, I would click on it.

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