Editorial cartooning mobile Technology

Apple rejects Tiger Wood app. Again

Daryl Cagle writes on his blog that his second attempt to get his Tiger Woods Cartoon App through the iTunes App store has proven unsuccessful. Again the denial is based on the “ridiculing public figures” clause. Since Apple CEO Steve Jobs himself said that the policy was changed for editorial cartoons (you can read the transcript here), Daryl resubmitted the app only to be denied.

I’m afraid at this point Daryl, you’re only hope is to win a Pulitzer.

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Comments 4

  1. How embarrassing for Apple to adopt a Chinese-style “no-acknowledgement of our corruption is allowed” policy, at least as far as humorous acknowledgement… However, I can still show how ridiculous a public figure is as long as it’s not FUNNY. WOW.

    Really, Apple? No app can question authority in a humorous way? Ridicule authority? Point out hilarious flaws in the authority’s logic? Isn’t that a foundation of comedy? In fact, ridiculing public figures is just normal behavior for cartoonists, politicians, comedians, random people on the street…

    But ridiculing the powerless, the lowly, those that can’t fight back much, THAT’S OK??!! Just don’t ridicule the powerful, do I have that correct?

    Mr. Jobs, have you heard of the Google quote, “Don’t be evil?” Here’s one for Apple – “Don’t create moronic App Store policies.”

    I’ll gladly drink the kool aid, Steve, but please be a friend and remove that turd from the pitcher…

  2. I’m wondering if people still think that the iPad is going to be a savior for the print industry? With Apple maintaining ultimate control over the content in this manner, I can’t see how people or publishers would want this.

    After owning one for a couple of weeks now, I’m finding that the cool factor of the iPad is already waning for me. More and more I’m finding myself preferring to use either my iMac or my HP laptop.

  3. The iPad won’t be the means to an electronic publishing revolution unless it embraces the freedom of press/expression that is the backbone of all journalism… but it’s more free thinking and less draconian decedents will. Other companies will build iPad-like devices but allow for free expression on them (along with the inevitable warts that go along with that freedom) and Apple will be whining about how they are being copied while they watch yet another limitless market get dominated by those willing to let others innovate on their platform.

  4. @Tom, I think you just described my Droid. I need a Droid pad. (Only we can drop the unfortunate “pad” name … Droid Reader or something.)

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