Eight cartoonists launch The Cartoonist Studio
Skip to commentsA cross selection of cartoonists have founded a new website called “The Cartoonist Studio” as a way to show off their work environment (and their work) and eventually sell stuff. The eight cartoonists are: Tom Batiuk (Funky Winkerbean), Dave Coverly (Speed Bump), Greg Evans (Luanne), Peter Guren (Ask Shagg), Jeff Keane (The Family Circus), Rick Kirkman (Baby Blues), Mike Luckovich (editorial cartoonist/Atlanta Journal Constitution) and Jerry Scott (Baby Blues, Zits).
The site is described as:
We created The Cartoonist Studio as a way to bring us closer to the fans who enjoy our funny little drawings-those characters and scribbles that make our cartoons come to life. They live, breathe and occupy a place in our lives… kinda like our children or our pets or our alter egos (except the last one doesn’t need feeding or bathing). Our fans know our cartoons and now we want them to know us. In other words, The Cartoonist Studio provides one-stop shopping to get personally involved with all your favorite cartoonists and cartoons.
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