Editorial cartooning

Individual wants Pulitzer Prize cartoonist on stamp

From the AAEC Notebook (online):

Joseph S. Colello contacted the Notebook recently about an effort to get cartoonist Rollin Kirby, the first winner of the Pulitzer Prize (and who went on to win two more times), on a U.S. Postal Stamp.

“As an octognenarian, I have had a 35-year interest in Pulitzer winner Rolllin Kirby, and hope to live long enough to see him pictured on a U.S. stamp. Kirby’s familly has given me their blessing, [and I’m now] seeking ways to enlist (non-financial) support for my project.”

Visit his site for more details.

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Comments 2

  1. I won a regional Sigma Delta Chi award once. Can I be pictured on a penny stamp?

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