Grand Rapids Press announces comic drop decision

The Grand Rapids Press has announced its decision on which comic strip to drop in order to pick up Frazz. Last week I reported they dropped Luann, but received overwhelming complaints from fans causing them to reconsider. They asked their readers if they could drop Peanuts instead. According to the announcement written by Paul Keep, 60% said they wanted to keep Peanuts. He cited readers often named five strips as too predictable or not funny which included: Ballard Street, Mutts, Speed Bump, Jump Start, and Sally Forth.

The final decision: Mutts is dropped from dailies and Ballard Street from Sundays. Peanuts and Luann stay with the newly arrived Frazz.

5 thoughts on “Grand Rapids Press announces comic drop decision

  1. Jeez is their a profession more cowardly than the comic page editor. Nut up and stand by your decisions.

  2. For cartoonists these situations are like being stranded in the ocean waiting for the sharks to grab you or one of your friends. The next victim is voted on by tourists on a passing boat.

  3. No matter what comic strip papers decide to get rid of, there will be fans that will be upset over it. I remember how disappointed my mom was when the St. Petersburg Times dropped “Cathy” in 2006.

    Does the GRP run Mutts on Sundays? Those strips are best especially the logo boxes.

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