Cartoons Magazines

Rob Tornoe to launch humor magazine

Rob Tornoe, editorial cartoonist for Editor & Publisher, The Press of Atlantic City and Cagle Cartoons, is launching a print humor magazine at the end of June. In his announcement, he writes:

People are quick to point out that with the internet, they can read everything they want on their glowing, irritating computer screen. And for the newspapers it makes sense, since newspapers only seem to want to print yesterdays news and sell it to you tomorrow, while cutting all the cool stuff everyone loves in order to save a buck.

But we’re not newspapers. We know what people love, so we’ve packaged all the great humor and comics that used to fill most publications, paired it with some great coverage of the often-overlooked arts and cultural scene in Northern Delaware, and that’s our recipe for success.

The magazine will be distributed for free in the Greater Wilmington area. Mail subscriptions are also available.

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Comments 4

  1. I hope all the best, and look forward to checking it out!

  2. Comics and local coverage. Awesome! I love the idea of a newspaper that contains all the stuff newspapers cut to save money. Good job Rob!

  3. Man, this sounds like a great idea.
    Can’t wait to see it!

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