Animation Web Sites

Joe Murray looks to launch

“Frog in a Suit” stands to be the first offering in what Joe Murray (creator of “Rocko’s Modern Life” and “Camp Lazlo“) hopes will be a new all-cartoon web channel, Kaboing TV. In an effort to stay as “independent as possible” Murray is utilizing to fund the production of the inaugural episodes, a sample of which is on the project’s Kickstarter page.

“I’m trying to produce the first episodes without outside funding that comes with strings attached. It’s also my wish to have you the audience, plus fellow animators be my producers rather than funding sources that don’t love cartoons as much as you do.”

Murray’s Kickstarter “Frog in a Suit” project ends on June 5th with a goal of at least $16,800, and has reached 26% of that goal with 37 days to go.

“So look at your pledge also as a vote to have more episodes of Frog in a Suit, and to have a website that you can go to and depend on, to give you hilarious, quality driven, irreverent cartoons.”

Murray notes that once funding is complete it will be a matter of months to launch the site and begin pulling in enough traffic to woo advertisers and more sponsors.

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Comments 1

  1. Hope he succeeds. We could use this right now.

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