Dilbert on the lost iPhone
Skip to commentsThe tech sector has been a buzz these last two weeks since Gizmodo, an electronics blog, published articles regarding a “lost” (perhaps stolen) prototype of Apple’s upcoming iPhone that it obtained. Even Dave Letterman did a Top 10 list on the lost iPhone. Apple is notoriously secretive about it’s products and has even sued bloggers who publish trade secrets that are leaked out through loose lips.
Dilbert creator Scott Adams thought the material was too ripe to let it pass without using it in his comic, but since he works so far ahead of schedule, he had to determine if they were worth “push them to the front of the line.”
I drew two comics while considering my options. In the end, I thought it wasn’t worth the extra friction to push them to the front of the line. And it would be June 18th before they ran in their normal position, which seemed too far in the future. So here now, exclusively for you blog readers, the totally unfinished first drafts of those comics. You will never see these in newspapers.
Here’s the link to the two lost iPhone Dilbert cartoons.
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