Discover Channel, Pixar team up for TV special
Skip to commentsThe Discover Channel has announced their specials and series for 2010-2011. They’ve teamed up with Pixar talent for a television event entitled “Reign of Dinosaurs.” Their description is…
Avatar meets Jurassic Park as the latest paleontological research meets Hollywood story telling. Discovery Channel teams with the top creative talent from Disney and Pixar to create an unparalleled television event. New creatures abound in a wondrous new world – giant dinos with Freddy Krueger style clawed hands, pygmy T-rex, frogs so big they can eat dinosaurs. Learn the latest in understanding of dinosaur behaviors with exotic mating dances, the inner workings of the T-rex’s nuclear family, dinosaurs drunk on fermenting fruit, dinosaurs in apocalyptic events, the underwater birthing of mosasaurs, and prehistory’s angriest mammals. A daring and provocative new chapter in television, REIGN OF THE DINOSAURS is bound to be the benchmark for all future dinosaur natural history programming.
Hints that Pixar was working on a dinosaur story surfaced in promotional material for UP last August. Fans noticed on the wall of one of the artists sculptures of a boy and a dinosaur. Many thought it indicated a short film.
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