James Sturm gives up the Internet
Skip to commentsJames Sturm, co-founder of The Center for Cartoon Studies is giving up on the web. At least for four months. He’ll “blog about it” on slate (faxing and writing in his “posts”).
Over the last several years, the Internet has evolved from being a distraction to something that feels more sinister. Even when I am away from the computer I am aware that I AM AWAY FROM MY COMPUTER and am scheming about how to GET BACK ON THE COMPUTER. I’ve tried various strategies to limit my time online: leaving my laptop at my studio when I go home, leaving it at home when I go to my studio, a Saturday moratorium on usage. But nothing has worked for long. More and more hours of my life evaporate in front of YouTube. Supposedly addiction isn’t a moral failing, but it feels as if it is.
I admit I have an addiction to the web/technology. I go through phases where I fantasize of living a near-Luddite existence (I like microwaves – especially those that run Photoshop, for example), but can never quite pull the trigger and go offline for an extended amount of time.
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