Comic history Comic strips

1997 April Fools comic switch cited as one of best

Three publications have listed the 1997 comic strip April Fools switcheroo as one of the all time best. lists their top three as: The Swiss Spaghetti Harvest, BMW Revolutionary Technology and The Great Comics Switcheroonie.

Bob Eckstein, posting on puts the stunt at number two, behind a PC computing article that “noted” legislation to ban using the “Internet Super Highway” while drinking and behind an article in Sports Illustrated magazine about a new baseball picture who could pitch a 168 mph ball.

And lastly Newser posts their top 12 pranks – the Swiss Spaghetti Harvest again taking the top spot with the comic switch in 8th place.

Check out the links above for some of the other classics. Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott were the ones that got the switcheroo going. You can read an account of how it came together on their Baby Blues site.

A couple of years ago, Rick and Jerry had the idea to have the cartoonists in the papers switch with other cartoonists and draw each others strips. Rick sent out letters to find out if any of the cartoonists would be interested. He was surprised at how many thought it would be fun to do!

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Comments 1

  1. That was so much fun! Pat Brady did Nancy that day, and I did Foxtrot!

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