Manley talks about the art of Judge Parker strip
Skip to commentsMike Manley talks to Comics Riff about taking over the art of the Judge Parker serial.
MC: So you were already very familiar with his style. Can you speak to adapting to his style — and the constraints of a continuity comic strip?
MM: Eduardo and I have very similar influences artistically. It’s all a little restricting to walk in someone else’s shoes. I talked to Brendan and Woody about this. It’s not like people are going to flip to an entirely [different looking] strip — one minute it’s Neal Adams, the next minute it’s Jack Davis. It’s not that jarring.
That said, some people, no matter what, won’t be happy that it’s me and not Eduardo. But [give it] five months. That’s the nature of it: Everyone gripes when something changes. People don’t like change. I was aware of that even as a kid, when “The Flintstones” made changes after the first season. …
So people will be upset about change. But as you go along, they’ll see: Eduardo and I have some similar influences and tastes. I’m a huge fan of Hal Foster and Alex Raymond and Milton Caniff — most all illustrative [classic comic] styles descend from one branch of those three great trees. I’m closest to the Alex Raymond tree.
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