Review: Stayed Tooned! issue 5
Skip to commentsJust finished reading the latest issue of John Read’s Stay Tooned! magazine. Once again, John does an excellent job. This issue covers Roz Chast, Jack and Carole Bender (Alley Oop), John Hambrock (The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee), Joe Bluhm, Justin Thompson (MythTickle), Mort Walker (Beetle Bailey, Hi and Lois), Jeff Koterba and Don Hagist.
Bruce Higdon gives us an in depth report of 10 National Cartoonist Society members who recently went to Iraq to draw for the troops. Tom Richmond had a good write-up on his blog, this story goes a bit deeper.
Scott Nickel provides profiles on five female cartoonists: Alex Hallatt (Arctic Circle), Sandra Bell-Lundy (Between Friends), Stephanie Piro, (Six Chix), Stephanie McMillan (Minimum Security), and Terri Libenson (Pajama Diaries).
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