Comic strips New Launches

Dustin strip passes 100 client papers

Congrats to Steve Kelley and Jeff Parker whose recently launched Dustin has quickly jumped to the “more than 100 newspapers” category.

From the press release:

“Dustin is the most successful new comic to be introduced into syndication in recent years,” said George Haeberlein, King Features vice president, worldwide syndication sales. “It has been appearing in newspapers for only a few short weeks, and we have surpassed our first sales target. We’ve added 110 newspapers to the client list. That’s great news.”

“It’s very encouraging that newspaper editors andreaders have embraced Dustin,” said King Features comics editor Brendan Burford. “Our cartoonists report that the e-mails they have received from fans since Dustin has been in syndication have expressed that the comic strip is a welcome addition to the newspaper pages and that it is good to read a strip about issues that are relevant to their lives – and, of course, getting a good chuckle out of it is great, too. The comics have always offered a pithy commentary on our society and it is evident that in Dustin, the creative team of Steve Kelley and Jeff Parker has its finger firmly on the pulse on life in America today.”

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Comments 7

  1. Great strip! I’m sure it will continue to climb.

  2. A few weeks ago Dustin entered the Chicago market running in the Chicago Tribune.

    Has any New York City area newspaper (Daily News, NY Post, Newsday) picked up Dustin yet?

  3. Way to go Steve! I doubt I’ll see your strip here in San Diego, but rest assured I’ll follow your strip on the web. Easily one of my favorite cartoonists.

  4. Considering all the crap Steve went through to get this syndicated, it’s nice that something good came out of it, I guess.

  5. Here are some of the papers that picked up Dustin near me: The Boston Globe (replacing Amazing Spider-Man), the Worcester Telegram & Gazette (replacing Get Fuzzy); and the New York Daily News (replacing F Minus).

  6. it sort of reminds me of zits

  7. My mistake. It replaced Girls & Sports in the Daily News and now F Minus is back in the Classifieds

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