Tea Partiers demands apology from Captain America
Skip to commentsMistake or not, the first run of issue 602 of Captain American just became more valuable than otherwise would be after Tea bagger references were discovered and corrected for future editions. Tea Party Coalition members demand apology from Marvel.
In issue No. 602 of Captain America, “Two Americas, Part One,” Captain America and his partner The Falcon, a black superhero from New York City, stumble upon a protest rally in Boise, Idaho. They see scores of protesters carrying signs that say “Stop the Socialists!” and “Tea Bag The Libs Before They Tea Bag YOU!”
Ed Brubaker, who wrote the story, told FoxNews.com’s Joshua Rhett Miller, he did not write the “Tea Bag The Libs Before They Tea Bag YOU!” sign shown in the edition, insisting that the words were added by someone in “lettering or production” just before being shipped to the printer. It will be changed in subsequent editions, he said.
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