Comic strips

Free: Syndicate media kits

Over the years, I’ve received media kits from most of the recent syndicate launches. After reviewing them, I’ve kept them in a box, but now I need to clear out the office. I’m offering the following media kits to whomever wants them (collectively or individually). Contact me if you’re interested in any of them. I will only charge whatever cost shipping is required.

  • Arctic CircleAlex Hallatt
  • Cafe con LecheCharlos Gary
  • Cul de SacRichard Thompson
  • Daddy’s HomeAnthony Rubino, Jr and Gary Markstein
  • DeflockedJeff Corriveau
  • Diesel SweetiesR. Stevens
  • Family TreeSigne Wilkinson
  • Home and AwaySteve Sicula
  • In the SticksNathan Cooper
  • It’s All About YouTony Murphy
  • Lisa’s Story (Funky Winkerbean)Tom Batiuk
  • Little Dog LostSteve Boreman
  • MaintainingNate Creekmore
  • Ollie and QuentinPiers Baker
  • OpusBerkeley Breathed
  • Rip HaywireDan Thompson
  • Secret Asian ManTak Toyoshima
  • The Argyle SweaterScott Hilburn
  • The Brilliant Mind of Edison LeeJohn Hambrock
  • The Funky Kids Are Coming (Funky Winkerbean)Tom Batiuk
  • WT DuckAaron Johnson

UPDATE: I’ve grayed out the kits that have been “dibbed.” I’ll figure out postage Tuesday morning and email those who have claims with the costs. If they decline, I’ll go to the next “dibbee” (in the case of multiples) or open it back up. If you’re interested in one that has been dibbed, feel free to email me or comment below and I’ll stick you in line.

UPDATE #2: Pretty much they’ve all been vouched for at this point. With postage and shipping, I’ll need to charge $3.50 per kit. If you’ve asked for more than one, I’ll try to find a cheaper postage rate than $7.00+. Watch for an email in the next couple of days for payment instructions.

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Comments 27

  1. “ on 2/8/2010 10:35 AM
    The e-mail account does not exist at the organization this message was sent to. Check the e-mail address, or contact the recipient directly to find out the correct address.”

    Alan, I tried emailing you but it didn’t work…

  2. I’d be interested in Opus, but like Jesse said, my email to you was bounced back.

  3. I’d be interested in Diesel Sweeties ? R. Stevens. my email was also bounced back.

  4. i’d love Secret Asian Man or Rip Haywire.

  5. Email should be working again in a couple o’ hours. Post your request here – I’ll contact you in an email with a request for your address and the cost of shipping.


  6. If Opus and Cul de Sac are spoken for I’d be interested in Family Tree and Ollie and Quentin

  7. alan… how cool of u to offer. i am at work and having a little trouble viewing this from my cel but i think no one yet claimed wt duck. jesse… nice (:

  8. If not taken, either Secret Asian Man or Rip Haywire … which ever you don’t give to I.D. Thanks, Alan.

  9. I’ve got a press kit for “Wildwood” if anybody is interested. Jay Kennedy sent it to me as a sample -It’s quite nice.

  10. I’d be interested in this one:
    The Funky Kids Are Coming (Funky Winkerbean) ? Tom Batiuk

  11. Hi,

    I’d definitely be interested in Artic Circle and The Argyle Sweater.


    Rob Moran

  12. The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee! Mine! Mine I tell you!

  13. I’d love to have Steve Boreman’s Little Dog Lost media kit. It’s one of my favorite strips that doesn’t get the awesome recognition it deserves!

  14. In an indirect way, I’m flattered for the requests for Rip Haywire, Diesel Sweeties and Secret Asian Man–strips I launched.

    Sadly, I can’t imagine any syndicate launching a cool strip again.

  15. I’ve enjoyed recently launched strips. All a matter of taste.

    I have emails from syndicates that are selling strips. I wonder if those emails work, because the difference between an email and a media kit is like the difference between junk mail and a salesman at your door.

  16. I still have a few of my DS launch kits. Love ’em, could never throw ’em away.

  17. if the little dog lost kit is still availible i would like that please.
    thank you

  18. >>>In an indirect way, I?m flattered for the requests for Rip Haywire, Diesel Sweeties and Secret Asian Man?strips I launched.

    >>>Sadly, I can?t imagine any syndicate launching a cool strip again.

    Seriously? You hold yourself in a much higher regard than necessary.
    You weren’t the first, nor will you be the last to launch a ‘cool’ strip.

  19. I will take Deflocked and In the Sticks

  20. I used to have a bunch of Meatloaf Night kits, but I used them to insulate the walls of my bonus room.

  21. Just read where your e-mail was down. @#%!! I’ll take any and all of the kits, Alan. And I’ll give you my FedEx account number to send what’s not been promised to others.

    And Ted, I submit for your consideration as a cool new strip: “Dustin” by Steve Kelley and Jeff Parker. It’s quite funny and the art is great.

  22. See update #2 at the end of the original post. If you can’t/won’t pay for the shipping, let me know and I’ll take your name off the list for whatever kit you called dibs on and give the next person in line the opportunity.

  23. “In an indirect way, I?m flattered for the requests for Rip Haywire, Diesel Sweeties and Secret Asian Man?strips I launched

    Sadly, I can?t imagine any syndicate launching a cool strip again.”

    What? Haven’t two of those three failed? I can say that I love Rip Haywire. It is a great strip. But why do some editors take credit for a “cool” strip? Doesn’t the credit go to the cartoonist really??

  24. I’ll take whatever one is available, and I’ll pay for shipping.

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