
Editor & Publisher back in business

Editor & Publisher has been sold to Duncan McIntosh Co. Inc. paving the way to resume the publication of the newspaper industry bible as of today. The details of the purchase are not released. According to an article posted on E&P’s website, Greg Mitchell, Joe Strupp and a number of other staffers are not being retained. The new editor is Mark Fitzgerald.

Charles “Chas” McKeown, who will continue as publisher of E&P, hailed the sale and the speed and professionalism with which McIntosh and Nielsen completed the transaction. “Everyone knew what was at stake here,” McKeown said. “Newspapers, which are transforming beyond the printed page to all forms of digital media, simply could not lose the one place where the industry could have a conversation with itself and exchange ideas and best practices for navigating the uncertain waters ahead, exemplified by our Interactive Media Conference which includes cable, TV, radio and other media.”

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Comments 4

  1. Interesting buyer, but I’m glad they found one. It seems clear that E&P was about to be put out to pasture in the same way many newspapers have been: for no good reason other than shareholder profits.

  2. Well,let’s hope they get smart and bring Dave Astor back.

  3. If you’ve worked in the industry for a while, you know that Dave Astor was/is an incredibly important voice for cartooning and cartoonists, a great journalist who knew syndication like no one else.


    If you want E&P to rehire Dave, tell them. But only if you can do so lucidly and from personal experience. You can contact the new owners through their other property:

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