Benson to judge free expression cartoon contest
Skip to commentsArizona Republic editorial cartoonist Steve Benson will be the lead judge in a cartooning contest sponsored by the Council for Secular Humanism. The contest is looking for the “most ingenious creations touching on that most sensitive subject: religion.” The prize has a $2,500 prize and is open to both professionals and amateurs.
What they’re not looking for:
We’re not looking for cartoons that crudely mock a particular faith or engage in sacrilege for the fun of it. A well-conceived cartoon can do so much more than that. We’re looking for sophisticated, hard-hitting ideas and images that pose serious questions about belief and disbelief-cartoons that prod readers to think as they laugh (or maybe, cry).
Deadline of entry is January 15, 2010 with the winner being announced on the Council for Secular Humanism Web site on Monday, March 29, 2010.
Rules and entry details found on the Secular Humanist website
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