The future of print is a touch screen tablet?
Skip to commentsWe’re all wondering where this digital age will take the print world. Sports Illustrated and Time Inc. are testing a multi-touch tablet device like a large iPhone as a delivery system for its engaging content. Here’s how describes it and below is a video preview. As an iPhone junkie, I can only say that I’m VERY excited for the future.
You can squeeze it and stretch it. You can swipe it, zoom it, send it, often rearrange it, and at times even rewind it. The prototype of a Sports Illustrated digital magazine for future tablet-format appliances is dazzling just about all the journalists the SI crew has been showing it to in the last day or so. As the demo video below shows, SI Tablet seems designed for some sort of future oversized iPhone with a touch screen interface with multitouch capabilities. The cover turns into a full screen video clip. The Table of Contents activates right rail sliders with snapshots of the relevant article. Traditional section tabs become interactive buttons that aggregate content by topic. Readers can lean back and browse the full contents of the current issue with a page flipping swipe or they can lean in to reorganize the content and pull in customized information from their My SI bucket of favorite teams. While SI Tablet bears a vague resemblance to the static â??digital magazinesâ? we have been seeing for the last decade, this model leverages the technology and the interactive touch platform to rethink what both magazines and digital can do.
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