Books Comic strips Fund Raisers

Tom Wilson donating royalties to LIVESTRONG

Beginning yesterday, Ziggy cartoonist Tom Wilson is donating 100% of his personal royalties from his “Zig-Zagging: Loving Madly, Losing Badlyâ?¦How Ziggy Saved My Life” book to LIVESTRONG. LIVESTRONG is a foundation created by cycling legend Lance Armstrong to provide cancer awareness, support for those diagnosed and fund cancer research. Tom lost his wife Susan on November 18, 2000 to breast cancer.

Writing on his publisher’s website, Tom writes:

When I recently had the opportunity to meet with the staff at the LIVESTRONG Headquarters in Austin, Texas, I saw an extraordinary chance to allow this terrible tragedy in my familyâ??s life to do something truly positive for fellow survivors and co-survivors.

ZIGGYâ??s MILLION DOLLAR LIVESTRONG CHALLENGE is OUR opportunity to come together to make a real difference! Through this campaign starting November 18, the anniversary of Susanâ??s death, to January 19, her birthday, I am donating 100% of my personal royalties to LIVESTRONG, and coupled with the HCI affiliate program, that averages out to roughly $4.50 from every purchase of Zig-Zagging to the LIVESTRONG organization when ordered from this link. My HOPE is that together we will raise a MILLION dollars (or more!)for LIVESTRONG over the next two months!

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News briefs for November 19, 2009

Comments 2

  1. Wow, I knew neither of the death of Wilson’s wife nor of this book. I just ordered my copy (through Amazon — which I now realize was a mistake, since you need to order through the publisher’s site at the link above in order to make the donation).

  2. Hey John, You get ur copy and read it yet? I was very moved by his story and found myself really inspired.

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