Swine flu hits Penny Arcade Expo
Skip to commentsLast weekend’s Penny Arcade Expo will be memorable for several attendees – more so for many possibly returning home with H1N1, commonly called the swine flu. So far there have been less than a 100 confirmed cases according to Robert Khoo, Penny Arcade, Inc.’s President of Operations and Business Development. Those who attendeded and contracted the virus are urged to email Robert with their train and flight information to warn others who may have been exposed as well. So far the Penny Arcade blog lists about 20 flights and one train ride. On Twitter, the flu out break has been labeled Paxflu (Pax = Penny Arcade Expo).
Clarification: I lazily used “several attendees” above to describe the number of attendees at this year’s Expo. According to gamespot.com, the event had more than 58,500 attendees in 2008 and this year was reportedly sold out. It’s a big production no doubt. No sleight was intended to the Penny Arcade guys or their fans.
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