Comic strips

News briefs for August 28, 2009


» The Aaugh Blog reports that The Complete Peanuts 1973-1974 (the 12th volume in the series) is shipping now. Look for it in your favorite bookstore or online at

Comic Strips

» Alex Hallatt tells me that her strip Arctic Circle celebrated it’s second anniversary as a syndicated strip and has a new website.

Editorial Cartooning

» Best wishes to Mike Lang, who is recovering from open-heart surgery.


» Comic Book Resources interviews Jonathan Rosenberg about his webcomic Goats.


» The San Francisco Chronicle writes about the latest exhibit at The Cartoon Art Museum entitled “Monsters of Webcomics” featuring work by Kate Beaton, Phil and Kaja Foglio, Dorothy Gambrell, Nicholas Gurewitch, Jenn Manley Lee, Dylan Meconis, Chris Onstad, Jesse Reklaw and Spike.

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Robinson awarded $5.2 million in plagiarizing case
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Aaron Taylor to be new TDC editor (temporarily)

Comments 4

  1. As soon as each new volume of The Complete Peanuts comes out, I buy it. There’s not a lot of stuff Fantagraphics publishes that I have to have, but these Peanuts books are beautifully designed and produced…and reasonably priced to boot.

  2. Ditto to that one! It’s like watching a cartoonist’s “growth chart” unfold before our eyes. Of course, by the time the collection is completed, I’m gonna need to reinforce for book shelf 🙂

  3. Sorry, that should’ve read “my” book shelf.

  4. I will look for The Complete Peanuts at… No, I won’t. I’ll go buy old Peanuts paperbacks on ebay!

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