News Briefs for July 23, 2009
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» Publisher’s Weekly reports that Sergio Aragones will be working on the Bart Simpson comic book. From the press release: “Matt Groening has announced that Sergio Aragones will become a regular featured artist and writer in Bart Simpson comics beginning with issue #50. Sergio Aragones will provide the entire contents of Bart Simpson #50 as well as the cover art. The issue will include an eleven-page main story entitled ‘The Simpson Project.’ Mr. Aragones will also contribute a new and ongoing feature entitled ‘Maggie’s Crib,’ a series of pantomime stories much in the vein of his classic three-page ‘A Mad Look At…’ feature found in MAD Magazine. Sergio will also be a contributor of stories to the Bart Simpson title as well as other Bongo Comics Group titles on a regular basis.”
» The New York Times has an extensive article on Basil Wolverton, the famed MAD magazine artist.
Editorial Cartooning
» Mike Lester of The Rome News-Tribune will have an exhibit of his work during the month of August at the Rome Area Council for the Arts. The exhibit features work from his children’s books and his editorial cartooning.
Graphic Novels
» Ken Tucker of Entertainment Tonight’s Shelf Life blog reviews “The Hunter” graphic novel by Donald E. Westlake (psuedonym Richard Stark). “The Hunter” was a 1962 novel that has been reworked into a graphic novel. Review is positive.
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