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‘The Cartoonist’ documentary to be screened at Comic-Con
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News Briefs for July 20, 2009

Comments 7

  1. that looks pretty sweet. kinda like Little Big Planet meets Wall-E

  2. looks good, real good. might actually go to the theatre for the first time in 15 years and best yet no Johnny Depp to mess it up like he did in Corpse Bride

  3. Actually, it’s Shane Acker’s film. Tim Burton is only producing it. As much as I love his work, he shouldn’t steal this film from Acker :).

  4. Yes but let’s face it, putting Tim Burton’s name on it ensure’s attention. It’s all about marketing.

  5. @Alexander Lupenicky

    When I saw the title of this article, I stormed in, planning to make the point you just made.

    This ain’t Timmy’s touch. Acker deserves all the credit.

  6. I’d hate to see Acker bilked.

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