King Features launches new “Captionary” feature
Skip to commentsKing Features Syndicate is launching a new interactive feature called “Captionary” for it’s Comics Kingdom product. The new feature allows readers to write the captions of cartoons drawn by Dan Piraro, Mike Peters, Hilary Price, Vic Lee and Rina Piccolo.
“In the same way people are attracted to The New Yorker CaptionIt contests, news sites will be able to have local competitions where the audience rates the captions `a la ‘American Idol’, sasy John Soppe, Managing Director of King Digital, “If sites want to run a promotional contest, ‘Captionary’ gives them a built-in mechanism to drive traffic and engage their users.”
Last year 82 million people in the United States created user-generated content and that number is expected to grow to approximately 115 million by 2013.
Comics Kingdom runs on about 40 online newspaper editions in North America.
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