Proposal: Locher award winner gets cash, no trip to AAEC convo
Skip to commentsOver on Steve Greenberg’s blog comes news that a proposal is being floated to give future AAEC/John Locher award winners a cash prize instead of the traditional all-expense paid trip to that year’s convention.
Steve wonders if the proposed change is an acknowledgement that the profession is bleak, but then counters why a cash prize is such a bad idea:
Sure, cash is nice, but the young cartoonist who then spends it on a flat-screen TV or whatever loses a potentially life-changing connection with colleagues, and is more likely to veer off onto some other career track and never to be heard from again in this profession.
If we write off the young editorial cartoonists and tell them to go spend a cash award on something else because our field is “dying,” then that “dying” becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Daryl Cagle also weighs in explaining that the new National Cartoonists Society Foundationâ??s Jay Kennedy Memorial Award is modeled after the success of the John Locher Award.
On a somewhat related note, the latest AAEC Newsletter from President Ted Rall writes some of the other tough decisions that will be discussed including whether to transform the AAEC into a guild, merging with the NCS or holding a joint convention with another journalism organization to help reduce costs.
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