Jan Eliot helps build Habitat for Humanity home
Skip to commentsStone Soup creator Jan Eliot will be swinging a hammer this Saturday for a Habitat for Humanity project in the North Willamette Valley area. The effort is part of the National Women Build Week going on this week.
“I have long been inspired by the great work done by Habitat for Humanity,” Jan said. “But being part of a Women Build adds a very special aspect to the project. Watching women come together for the benefit of a stranger and her family, watching them at the same time learn building skills, do things they never thought they’d be able to tackle, learn to hammer like a pro and create something so significant… believe me, everyone comes away enriched, inspired, and grateful. In my comic strip, Stone Soup, I try to show how the small contributions of many add up to a better life for all. But Habitat for Humanity does this in the real world every day.”
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