Working in overdrive. Minimal blogging today

April and May are crunch month for a number of projects that I’m working on for my day job. I’ve been working long hours and opting to sleep through my normal blogging hours as a result. As such, blogging will be minimal today and tomorrow. If there is a news story that you think ought to be discussed, please feel free to log in and write about it. I’d be very thankful if you would.


10 thoughts on “Working in overdrive. Minimal blogging today

  1. Sleeping through normal blogging hours? I hear the managers are having a meeting about your work attitude. They said you’d be lucky to still have this job when you get back. lol

  2. “If there is a news story that you think ought to be discussed, please feel free to log in and write about it. Iâ??d be very thankful if you would.”

    How does everyone feel about swinging topical themes into your comics (ie, women with 8 children on welfare, swine flu, etc.)?

  3. I tried to make swine flu funny, really I did…

    Best joke so far:

    They said a black man would be president when pigs fly.

    100 days in, swine flu. :rimshot:

  4. The pork meat-packers are asking the we call “swine flu” something else, like the official World Health Organization name for it, “H1N1 novel flu.”

    I expect book publishers to respond in blind panic. They’re already having a hard year.

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