Editorial cartooning

Patrick O’Connor lands work with the L.A. Times

Patrick O’Connor, who was laid off from the Los Angeles Daily News back in January, has picked up a bit of work with the cross town rival paper the Los Angeles Times doing illustrations for their op-ed page.

From his blog, he writes:

I’ve been doing some illustrations for the Los Angeles Times! Most editors and management at the Daily News had an unhealthy dislike for their crosstown rival. I always thought it was a far superior paper and have enjoyed it for a long time. So, it feels good to see my work on the Op Ed pages.

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Comments 8

  1. Good for you, Patrick! Keep it up.

  2. Way to go, Patrick. Show up the News!

  3. Great, News Patrick! Hope it leads to something more – and not,like, having to do product placements in your illustrations or cartoons for them.

  4. I don’t know if they still run Joel Pett’s round-up of cartoons on Sunday- but it would be great if they threw your editorial cartoons in with that -in addition to the illustrations your doing.
    Nice to see they recognize the value of a local voice
    -Good Luck

  5. They can’t keep a good man (or woman) out of the editorial pages. Good for you, Patrick.

  6. Hi everybody, always reading, but this is my first post. Good news Patrick! hope you get the chance to include some cartoons too.

  7. Those illustrations are really freakin’ good, Pat! Good job getting in the Times.

  8. geez, they’ll hire anyone now-a-days!

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