Steve Breen wins second Pulitzer Prize
Skip to commentsSteve Breen has been honored this year with his second Pulitzer Prize. The San Diego Union Tribune editorial cartoonist took the prize in 1998 while at the Asbury Park Press. He has been with the Union Tribune since 2001. Regarding this year’s submissions, the judges wrote that this award is for “his agile use of a classic style to produce wide ranging cartoons that engage readers with power, clarity and humor.”
The other two finalists this year were Mike Thompson of the Detroit Free Press and Matt Wuerker of Politico.
In addition to the Pulitzer, Steve has previously been awarded the Berryman Award (2007).
Steve’s cartoons are syndicated through Creators Syndicate. He is the creator of Grand Avenue and has since partnered with Mike, one of the other finalists on his strip.
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