Five comics that should never hit the big screen
Skip to commentsKevin Buist, blogging over at, reacts to the news that Fox is green lighting a Marmaduke movie. He contends that five comic strips should never be made into movies. They include: Family Circus, Cathy, Hagar the Horrible, The Lockhorns and Calvin and Hobbes. His argument isn’t that the comic strips themselves are bad, just that a transition to the big screen would be difficult. He does, however, offer some “how it could actually work” advice should an attempt be made.
His advice for Hagar the Horrible?
The world is hungry for a good viking movie, and Hagar the Horrible could provide the brand recognition needed. If Pirates of the Caribbean was able to build an entertaining and financially successful franchise from an amusement park ride, I don’t see why Haggar couldn’t do the same. A few things would be key: First of all, it has to be pretty violent, a PG-13 rating would be best. Also, the film would have to really delve into Hagar and Helga’s tense gender conflicts, which the comic only hints at. How does Hagar behave on long trips away from his overbearing wife, as his men rape and pillage?
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