
Dave Astor resurfaces on Huffington Post

Our good friend Dave Astor, the senior editor at Editor & Publisher that was laid off last fall, is now writing his topical humor column for the Huffington Post. His first column appeared yesterday entitled “Layoffs for Leaders.

Dave told me in an email that the column will be periodic.

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Comments 2

  1. Great little humor piece. Would be even better if Huffpo actually paid him for it.

    (Feel free to correct me, Dave, if I’m wrong! Though sadly, I doubt I am.)

  2. Hi there,I’m a bit confused. I’ve awlays heard about the vitamix juicer and have awlays wanted one. Now I can afford one and the only one I can find looks like a blender. I have people in my family with a condition that they cannot have seeds etc. in their juice and I thought there was a juicer that enabled you to blend the whole fruit and then pour out clear juice. Is there another model that does this?Thanks,Kristin

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