Cartoons Comic strips

Kirk Walters launches new local weekly comic

The Blade (Toledo, OH) editorial cartoonist Kirk Walters has started a new weekly comic called Frogtown which debuted in his paper on Sunday. The comic is the latest local comics that he’s done. Previously he also produced Maumee Dearest which has had a 20 year run.

Frogtown is described as a “a slice-of-life cartoon about the little things in life.

It features a 35-year-old down-on-his-luck father, Scooter McFlak, who recently lost his job, his marriage, and his home. Scooter decides to pack up his belongings and move with his 7-year-old son, Mikey, out of Miami and back to his hometown of Toledo to live with his father, Jack McFlak. If that name sounds familiar, it?s because Jack is also the featured character in Maumee Dearest. Jack has just settled into his life as a widower and is growing to appreciate having the home to himself. ?If he puts a remote control down on the table, he knows that?s where it will be the next day.

The feature runs a quarter page on Sundays. According to Editor and Publisher, Prince Valiant was dropped to make room.

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Comments 4

  1. I’d like to see more local strips like that in newspapers.
    Makes a lot of business sense to me.

  2. Just a note. This new strip of Kirk’s is running in the Sunday color comics insert section, giving that insert a local feel. I don’t think there is anyone in the country who is doing something like that.

  3. “I?d like to see more local strips like that in newspapers.”

    This is what continues to absolutely baffle me. If you want people to buy the paper, then provide them with exclusive material and features. When the paper is just a collection of wire stories and syndicated material that you can get on the web for free, what incentive is there to buy the newspaper? This isn’t rocket surgery!

  4. Kirk,

    Frogtown is Great and is creating buzz at Interstate Lanes. I have been copying your bowling cartoons to pass out to our bowlers.

    Thank You for giving our sport the support.

    Sue Pinski
    Interstate Lanes

    PS Keep it local and keep up the good work.

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