
Wife Swap show looking for cartoonist

I was forwarded an email from the casting company for the reality TV show “Wife Swap.” They’re interested in casting a cartoonist or comic book artist. Details in the letter below. I have verified that this inquiry is legit.

My name is Amanda Gershkowitz and I am a Casting Associate Producer for ABC families hit reality show ‘Wife Swap.’ We are currently casting for our fifth season and we are looking for CARTOONISTS/ COMIC BOOK ARTISTS! We cast everywhere from Maine to California, and this would bring a fun and unique dynamic to the show. Perhaps you or someone you know works in the industry and has kids involved in it too.

The premise of Wife Swap is simple: for seven days, two wives from two different families with very different values exchange husbands, children and lives (but not bedrooms) to discover what it’s like to live a different family’s life. It’s an interesting social experiment and a great way to see your family in a whole new light. It is shot as a documentary series, so NO scripts and no set. It’s just one camera that is documenting your life.

Families that appear on the show will receive a financial honorarium for lost wages, time and commitment. And if you refer a family that appears on the show you would receive $1000.

Here at ‘Wife Swap’ we look for a two-parent home with at least one child between the ages of 6 and 17 living at home full time.

If you are interested, please email me your contact information and tell me a little about your family. Or if you would like to refer a family, please email me their contact information and I will be in touch.

Thank you!

If interested, can contact Amanda at

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Comments 29

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Boy, would the recipient spouse regret this! Oh, this could be a whole series by itself!

  2. Yeah – not touching this one!

    Hey Alan – love the way the google ads up above now include wife swap ringtones:)

  3. Ha Ha.


    the floor is yours.

  4. Ah — looking for a two-parent home.

    That kills my idea, where you swap the cartoonist’s wife with a single mother and the big difference she has to adjust to is the occasional noise coming from the attic … sort of like Jane Eyre.

  5. Oh! They actually want one of the participant FAMILIES to be a cartoonist household. Must be one of those rare demographics like dinosaur hunter, or locomotive conductor.
    What’s the other breadwinner: astronaut?, plastic surgeon to the stars?

    I was thinking that they only wanted to hire a cartoonist to chronicle the transaction…which I thought odd….but a gig’s a gig!

    This would be, what? The Flintstones meets The Jetson’s? ( Wilma would be down with that, not so much Jane. )

  6. Let’s get ’em to sign Mike Peters. While I feel sorry for the poor woman who would be forced to deal with him for a solid week, I’m sure Marion would appreciate a break…

  7. I had an idea several years of creating the most boring web site on the internet simply by putting a web cam in my studio so everyone could witness first hand the fascinating and thrilling life a cartoonist.

  8. They should get a cartoonist who draws for Playboy or Hustler.

  9. Wiley, do it naked and you’d have a hit on your hands

  10. I’m surprised they thought this was a good idea, given that talks shows avoid cartoonists like the plague. Perhaps they are tired of producing the show and decided that they should go out with a whimper.

    Has anyone here every watched this show?

  11. I was wondering the same thing, Rich, and was tempted to write to them and ask why they want a cartoonist. I guess they’ve never actually met one and think that, because the work is wild and interesting, that cartoonists must be wild and interesting, too. We’re only fun when we’re around each other… usually at a bar. Not exactly must see tv… although Stacy’s suggestion of Mike Peters is a good one.

  12. They could have a Hustler cartoonist swap with one who does a strip for families, say FBOW. Lynn could come live at my house.

  13. I floated the idea of Terri Libensen of the Pajama Diaries coming here and my wife going up there to watch her kids for a week but Vicky shot that down pretty fast. I mean we live fairly close to each other. I would be willing to make the sacrifice and shack up with Terri for a week! (BTW Terri and I are NCS chapter friends)

    She also asked, “What do they think goes on at a cartoonist’s home? They go sit in their studio and you don’t see them for hours!”

    She never lets me have any fun.

  14. “I was wondering the same thing, Rich, and was tempted to write to them and ask why they want a cartoonist.”

    They’ve been watching reruns of “Caroline and the City” — You know, draw a few pictures, then go clubbing and look for love. Hilarity has always ensued.

  15. Dan, you want sweet innocent Terri to then do your work and she would do yours?

  16. Hey, if they got Corey Pandolph to do it, I’d definitely watch!

  17. ?I was wondering the same thing, Rich, and was tempted to write to them and ask why they want a cartoonist.?

    Since the MO of that program is to pair two families who are complete polar opposites, I’m guessing they want to pair a cartoonist with someone who has absolutely no sense of humor. The kind of person who writes to the newspaper to complain when they add a comic that’s written by someone who’s still alive.

  18. “nce the MO of that program is to pair two families who are complete polar opposites, I?m guessing they want to pair a cartoonist with someone who has absolutely no sense of humor. ”

    Either that or someone with a social life. lol

  19. “The kind of person who writes to the newspaper to complain when they add a comic that?s written by someone who?s still alive.” -N.FEUTI

    Brilliant. Truer words were never spoken.

  20. Too bad Dan Piraro and Ashley don’t have kids…they could send Ashley to a right wing chicken farmer from Podunk and Dan would get the country wife to live with him in Manhatten.

    Vegans vs. the chicken farmers…I can see the country wife fixin corn beef hash omelettes for Dan and Ashley making tofu burgers for the Podunkian family. Then the country wife would tell them how much they love Close to Home and how Bush kept us safe and then Dan’s head would explode.

  21. Dan and Ashley should consider adopting a child just so they could go on the show.

    Because torturing cartoonists = instant comedy (and maybe good ratings)

  22. Great idea, Rick and you know I love you but… that was not the least bit stereotypical because everybody knows that if you’re not a BUSH LIED vegan -you are a dumbass from “Podunk” who procreates (read: kills planet by overpopulating) unlike all the childless beautiful Bohemian Bourgeois living in Manhattan.

    Tofu eating pacifists make my head explode but you won’t hear me dissing them. Or trading spouses w/ them. Pass the chicken.

  23. Jeepers Mike….

    I think you may be reading WAY too much into my post….but that said, I feel compelled to apologize to all the dumbass Bush Lovin’, redneck baby makin, planet killin, chicken lickin podunkians out there that may have misunderstood my hamfisted attempt at making fun of one of the finest examples of television at it’s best, Wife Swap.

  24. I think we found a match for the show… the Stromoski’s and the Lester’s!

  25. At least this thread got pretty entertaining even if a show wouldn’t be! Rick and Mike you are cracking me up! Apology accepted Rick, LOL! Wiley, that could just work with Rick and Mike!

    Norm, I didn’t even think about pairing with non-cartoonists, I was thinking it would have been everyone on the show … but it has to be the way you described it otherwise they would be asking for a snoozer. Still some wild and crazy cartoonists like Mike Peters could be the exception.

    Wiley, there certainly does seem to be a cartoonist at the bar truism there … most cartoonists gatherings I’ve seen (on blogs or newsletters) or been to seem to end up at the bar. For good reason, of course.

  26. I dunno…I like Mike too much ….it would probably be a boring show….

  27. “most cartoonists gatherings I?ve seen (on blogs or newsletters) or been to seem to end up at the bar.”

    It has always been thus.

  28. The LESTER STROMOSKI show sounds like a polka band that only plays Hank Williams tunes. It’s hard to hold a tuba after eating fried chicken. Trust me. I’m from Podunk.

    btw: casting for cartoonists is a classic case of “jumping the shark”. They are officially out of ideas.

  29. “The LESTER STROMOSKI show sounds like a polka band that only plays Hank Williams tunes.”

    Yep. I saw them on the Lawrence Welk Show in 1963.

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