New newspaper taking blogs to print twice daily
Skip to commentsWith all the doom and gloom in the newspaper industry, I find this story interesting. Joshua Karp is launching a twice-daily free print newspaper in Chicago, San Francisco and later in New York City with content from blogs on January 27. The idea is to take local content from blogs and print them in tabloid form in time for the morning and evening commutes. The newspaper is supported by advertising trying to reach the targeted, local audience. It will also include classifieds.
From The Printed Blog web site, Joshua describes the venture:
The selection of content in The Printed Blog is based solely on the votes of readers and their geographic location. In such a way, The Printed Blog revolts against the top-down, ‘one size fits all’ model of newsprint, as we know it. Instead of one paper serving hundreds of thousands of people, as is often the case, The Printed Blog publishes hundreds or even thousands of highly-localized editions based on what a community declares is important to them. The papers are distributed to neighborhood pickup points in A.M. and P.M. editions, and will incorporate rapid turnaround reader comments.
We at The Printed Blog believe that there will always be a readership for off-screen, printed media- but in order for that media to survive, it must leverage the best information technology has to offer. Through the integration of online social networks and web-based syndication technologies, The Printed Blog is tapping into the wellspring of brilliant bloggers that has revolutionized collective media. As our society moves towards individualized information, The Printed Blog has the courage to respect our readers. We recognize the value of what individuals have to say, we publish the information they create, and provide them with the information they demand.
No mention is made about compensation to the bloggers, nor is there any mention of any comics appearing.
Rob Tornoe
John Cole
Rob Tornoe
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