mobile web comics

uClick adds three more webcomics to iTunes store

  • Uclick, a division of Unversal Press Syndicate, is rapidly expanding the number of comic strips and cartoons available through the iTunes app store. The latest announcement adds webcomic We the Robots by Christ Harding, Scott Meyer’s Basic Instructions and Brooke McEldowney’s fantasy Pibgorn to the line up. We the Robots joined GoComics this year; Pibgorn has been running on GoComics since the spring of 2007.
  • Uclick CEO Douglas Edwards says that there are many more webcomics bound for the App Store.
  • “On the near horizon we’ll be offering many more well-known web-based creators in the App Store,” Edwards said. “If I told you any more than that, I’d be ruining the surprise. But I can tell you that we’ve made a firm commitment to bring the best in webcomics to the iPhone and iPod Touch, because we believe this device offers a fantastic comics-reading experience. As comics fans ourselves, we want the medium to be well-represented on these devices, and that means delivering more of the comics people love in the best on-device experience.”

    Each episode costs $.99.

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    Comments 3

    1. Each episode costs $.99

      That can’t be right. What do they mean by “episode?” If I understand that correctly, a month of comics on your mobile is going to cost in the neighborhood of $30?

      Reading the comics page on your mobile, let’s say your ten favorite strips, is going to cost you $300 per month. That’s what, five to ten times the cost of a newspaper subscription?

      What is an “episode?”

    2. I believe the 99 cents price tag may be for web versions of graphic novels — there must be other pricing terms for a 3 or 4 panel webcomic, no?

    3. The ‘episodes’ end up being about 30 strips each. So for comics like these three that came out 2-3 times per week when they were originally published, you’re getting 2-3 months’ worth of comics for 99 cents.

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